发布于 2018-01-03 00:49:31 | 143 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Jekyll 免费的Blog生成工具
Jekyll 3.7.0 已发布。Jekyll 是一个简单的博客形态的静态站点生成器,适用于个人、项目或组织站点。可以想像它是一个基于文件的 CMS ,没有任何复杂性。 Jekyll 收集你的内容,呈现 Markdown 和 Liquid 模板,并生成一个完整的静态网站,可以由 Apache、Nginx 或其他 Web 服务器提供服务。
Add LiveReload functionality to Jekyll. (#5142)
Add Utils::Internet.connected? to determine whether host machine has internet connection. (#5870)
Disable default layouts for Pages with a layout: none
declaration (#6182)
Scope path glob (#6268)
Allow the user to set collections_dir to put all collections under one subdirectory (#6331)
Upgrade to Rouge 3 (#6381)
Allow URL filters to work directly with documents (#6478)
filter relative_url should keep absolute urls with scheme/authority (#6490)
Raise when theme root directory is not available (#6455)
Avoid block parser warning in SmartyPants (#6565)
Fail gracefully if "sass" gem cannot be loaded (#6573)
return correct file in dir if dir has same name as file (#6569)
Register reload hooks in Server#process (#6605)
Memoize path to metadata file (#6602)
Use require_relative
to load Jekyll classes (#6609)