发布于 2017-12-27 00:26:39 | 142 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Nutch 基于Java的开源搜索引擎
Nutch 是一个开源Java 实现的搜索引擎。它提供了我们运行自己的搜索引擎所需的全部工具。包括全文搜索和Web爬虫。
Apache Nutch 1.14 发布了。Nutch是一个成熟的、可用于生产的 Web 爬虫。 Nutch 1.x 可以依靠 Apache Hadoop™ 数据结构进行细粒度配置,这对于批处理非常有用。
Bug 修复
[NUTCH-2071] - A parser failure on a single document may fail crawling job
[NUTCH-2235] - Classpath discrepancy with protocol-selenium in deploy mode
[NUTCH-2269] - Clean not working after crawl
[NUTCH-2295] - Nutch master docker container broken
[NUTCH-2297] - CrawlDbReader -stats wrong values for earliest fetch time and shortest interval
[NUTCH-2316] - Library conflict with Parser-Tika Plugin and Lib Folder
[NUTCH-1763] - Improving comments on the Injector Class
[NUTCH-2034] - CrawlDB filtered documents counter.
[NUTCH-2035] - Regex filter using case sensitive rules.
[NUTCH-2046] - The crawl script should be able to skip an initial injection.
[NUTCH-2135] - Ant Eclipse build does not include protocol-interactiveselenium
[NUTCH-2193] - Upgrade feed parser plugin to use rome 1.5