发布于 2017-12-22 23:47:19 | 172 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务。
GitLab 10.3.0 和 10.4.0 pre 发布了。
10.3.0 主要更新内容:
Upgrade jQuery to 2.2.4. !15570 (Takuya Noguchi)
Fail jobs if its dependency is missing. !14009
Fix errors when selecting numeric-only labels in the labels autocomplete selector. !14607 (haseebeqx)
Fix pipeline status transition for single manual job. This would also fix pipeline duration becuse it is depending on status transition. !15251
Fix acceptance of username for Mattermost service update. !15275
Set the default gitlab-shell timeout to 3 hours. !15292
更多内容请查看 ChangeLog。
10.4.0 pre 暂未提供更新内容,你可以关注 ChangeLog 或发布主页。