发布于 2017-12-17 00:47:36 | 204 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
WineHQ windows模拟器
Wine WineHQ(“Wine Is Not an Emulator” 的首字母缩写)是一个能够在多种 POSIX-compliant 操作系统(诸如 Linux,Mac OSX 及 BSD 等)上运行 Windows 应用的兼容层。
Wine 3.0 的第二个 RC 版已发布,按官方说法,该版本只修复 bug,代码已进入“冻结”阶段。Wine 3.0-rc2 共修复了 17 个 bug,具体如下:
22682 Multiple games need function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics (Far Cry 2/3, Avatar, Faery: Legends of Avalon, Civilization 4, Deathspank, Of Orcs and Men)
32202 ActiveX install attempts to run wrong inf section
39586 Fallout 4 - Steam Version - Crash on Start-up
40046 Multiple games require CheckFormatSupport() (Banished, Magic Duels, UE4 tech demos, BioShock 2, Chronicles of Mystara, STO, Lichdom)
40680 Rocket league needs bcrypt.dll.BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey
40692 Rocket League needs AES encryption/ decryption implemented in bcrypt.dll
40901 Factorio crashes with a stack overflow
41463 Undefined symbols: _DisableThreadLibraryCalls _RaiseException
43643 Combobox not longer has dropdown
43915 uTorrent 2.2.1 build 25302 crashes after deleting the last torrent and exiting
43953 Regression in Spellforce 2: message boxes about fatal dx9 errors appear on map loading
44010 Armel support
44130 Possible access to unintended variable in "dlls/comctl32/imagelist.c" line 299
44147 regression in ole2 datacache
44148 DX Library: Multiple PlaySoundMem() calls don't work when using XAudio2
44153 ShellExecute crash when opening explorer.exe
44171 PTHREAD_STACK_MIN breaks build on GNU hurd
可以看到,该版本改进了对 GNU hurd 内核的支持,以及改进了对各种 Windows 游戏和应用程序的支持。