发布于 2017-12-17 00:31:52 | 401 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
AngularJS 前端JS框架
Angular 5.2.0-beta.0 和 5.1.1 已发布,5.2.0-beta.0 主要是新增了一些特性,5.1.1 主要是修复了部分 bug,具体如下:
animations: re-introduce support for transition matching functions (#20723) (590d93b), closes #18959
compiler: add a pseudo $any() function to disable type checking (#20876) (70cd124)
compiler: narrow types of expressions used in *ngIf (#20702) (e7d9cb3)
core: add source to StaticInjectorError
message (#20817) (b7738e1), closes #19302
forms: allow nulls on setAsyncValidators (#20327) (d41d2c4), closes #20296
Bug 修复
animations: ensure multi-level route leave animations are queryable (#20787) (d09d497), closes #19807
animations: ensure the web-animations driver properly handles empty keyframes (#20648) (c3e8731), closes #15858
animations: properly recover and cleanup DOM when CD failures occur (#20719) (e6a2805), closes #19093
animations: support webkit-based vendor prefixes for prop validations (#19055) (501f01e), closes #18921
bazel: don't equate moduleName with fileName (#20895) (0c9f7b0)
compiler: support referencing enums in namespaces (#20947) (d6da798), closes #18170
compiler-cli: disable checkTypes in emit. (#20828) (160a154)
compiler-cli: fix swallowed Error messages (#20846) (6727336)
compiler-cli: merge @fileoverview comments. (#20870) (be9a737)
router: NavigatonError and NavigationCancel should be emitted after resetting the URL (#20803) (baeec4d)