发布于 2017-12-03 10:18:15 | 164 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Firefox 浏览器
firefox 即 火狐浏览器 。Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”或“火狐浏览器”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(非ie内核),支持多种操作系统如Windows、Mac和linux。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与社区数百个志愿者以GPL/LGPL/MPL三种授权方式发布
Firefox 57.0.1 已发布,主要是修复 bug 和一些小的变更。具体如下:
Fix a video color distortion issue on YouTube and other video sites with some AMD devices (bug 1417442)
Fix an issue with prefs.js when the profile path has non-ascii characters (bug 1420427)
Various security fixes
Google map crashes on OSX with Intel HD Graphics 3000
Block injection of a client library associated with the RealPlayer Free player which is known to cause performance problems in Firefox. (Bug 1418535)