发布于 2017-12-01 00:25:10 | 80 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Groovy JVM 动态脚本语言
Apache Groovy 3.0.0-alpha-1 发布了。这是 3.0 的预发行版,包含 9 处错误修复和改进。
Bug 修复
[GROOVY-7573] - Groovyc ant task does not release file handles
[GROOVY-7721] - Static type checking fails when compiling against a Java8 interface with inherited methods
[GROOVY-8277] - [Parrot]Fix gls.syntax.MethodCallValidationTest#testDeclarationInMethodCall
[GROOVY-8288] - [Sql] withBatch fails when batchSize == number of addBatch call
[GROOVY-8319] - Improve smart type on list expresions
[GROOVY-8330] - Wrong 'Inconvertible types' error on casting interface
[GROOVY-8377] - hashCode() generated by @EqualsAndHashCode is inefficient for instances with null fields or properties
[GROOVY-8290] - Bump Ant version to 1.10.1
[GROOVY-8291] - Bump XStream version to 1.4.10