发布于 2017-11-30 00:24:02 | 115 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache CXF 服务框架
Apache CXF一个开源的Service框架,它实现了JCP与Web Service中一些重要标准。CXF简化了构造,集成,面 向服务架构(SOA)业务组件与技术的灵活复用。在CXF中,Service使用WSDL标准定义并能够使用各种不同的消息 格式(或binding)和网络协议(transports)包括SOAP、XML(通过HTTP或JMS)进行访问。CXF同样支持多种model 如:JAX-WS,JBI,SCA和CORBA service。CXF设计成可灵活部署到各种容器中包括Spring-based,JBI,SCA, Servlet和J2EE容器。
Apache CXF 3.0.16 发布了。Apache CXF一个开源的Service框架,它实现了JCP与Web Service中一些重要标准。CXF简化了构造,集成,面 向服务架构(SOA)业务组件与技术的灵活复用。
[CXF-7412] - PhaseInterceptorChain has thrown exception, unwinding now java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJUtils.getHeader(SAAJUtils.java:43)
[CXF-7430] - The logInputStream method of the LoggingInInterceptor fails if input stream size bigger than limit and PrettyPrint option is true.
[CXF-7438] - Xml validation error with MTOM
[CXF-7440] - VariantListBuilderImpl build() don't work without add method
[CXF-7443] - ClassCastException in org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers
[CXF-7447] - Java 2 security issues
[CXF-7453] - WebFaultOutInterceptor calls getFaultSubcodes() even in case of SOAP1.1 faults
[CXF-7454] - NullPointerException during wsdl validation
[CXF-7478] - Response entity can not be auto-closed if the entity is read implicitly
[CXF-7483] - JAXRSServerFactoryBeanDefinitionParser doesn't log autowire failures
[CXF-7419] - Support subresource locators returning the classes
[CXF-7436] - Enhance Search SQLPrinterVisitor to support hierarchical queries
[CXF-7492] - Add a new wadltojava 'authorization' option