发布于 2017-11-17 23:25:22 | 194 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Kafka 开源消息系统
Apache Kafka是一个开源消息系统项目,由Scala写成。该项目的目标是为处理实时数据提供一个统一、高通量、低等待的平台。
Apache Kafka 已发布。这是一个错误修复版本,包含 16 个来自 JIRA 的修复和改进,其中包括一些严重的错误。
[KAFKA-5140] - Flaky ResetIntegrationTest
[KAFKA-5967] - Ineffective check of negative value in CompositeReadOnlyKeyValueStore#approximateNumEntries()
[KAFKA-5970] - Deadlock due to locking of DelayedProduce and group
[KAFKA-5986] - Streams State Restoration never completes when logging is disabled
[KAFKA-6003] - Replication Fetcher thread for a partition with no data fails to start
[KAFKA-6026] - KafkaFuture timeout fails to fire if a narrow race condition is hit
[KAFKA-6030] - Integer overflow in log cleaner cleanable ratio computation
[KAFKA-6042] - Kafka Request Handler deadlocks and brings down the cluster.
[KAFKA-6087] - Scanning plugin.path needs to support relative symlinks
[KAFKA-6116] - Major performance issue due to excessive logging during leader election
[KAFKA-6119] - Silent Data Loss in Kafka011 Transactional Producer
[KAFKA-6131] - Transaction markers are sometimes discarded if txns complete concurrently
[KAFKA-6134] - High memory usage on controller during partition reassignment
[KAFKA-6179] - RecordQueue.clear() does not clear MinTimestampTracker's maintained list
[KAFKA-6190] - GlobalKTable never finishes restoring when consuming transactional messages
[KAFKA-5725] - Additional failure testing for streams with bouncing brokers
有关升级的注意事项:在升级之前,请仔细阅读此版本的升级文档。其中讨论了关于不兼容的重要信息以及破坏性变化、性能变化以及可能影响你的 Kafka 生产部署的任何其他变更。
https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka/ (Scala 2.11)
https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/kafka/ (Scala 2.12)
Kafka 是一个高吞吐量的分布式发布订阅消息系统,值得注意的是,Kafka 1.0 已于 11 月 2 日发布。