发布于 2017-11-15 03:47:51 | 175 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
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IDEA java开发集成环境
IDEA 全称IntelliJ IDEA,是java语言开发的集成环境,IntelliJ在业界被公认为最好的java开发工具之一,尤其在智能代码助手、代码自动提示、重构、J2EE支持、Ant、JUnit、CVS整合、代码审查、 创新的GUI设计等方面的功能可以说是超常的。
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.6 已发布。该版本主要是修复部分 bug,此外还添加了两个新特性。
修复的 bug 较多,主要集中在 Groovy 和 Gradle 这两块,如修复了 Groovy 隐式转换不被识别的 bug,使用 Java 9 刷新 Gradle 项目时出错的问题。
在 Java. Inspections 中,当返回类型是 java.lang.Void 时,允许Return of 'null'被忽略
No subsystem | Bug | IDEA-179213 | NullPointerException in com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.settings.AbstractExternalSystemSettings.setLinkedProjectsSetting s in offline inspections mode |
Bug | IDEA-176658 | Changelog converted automatically to US-ASCII | |
Bug | IDEA-181519 | Code inspection hangs in the latest 2017.2.5 release | |
ColdFusion | Bug | IDEA-179616 | Re-Emergence of issue: IDEA-155160. SQL Code Coloring Breaks... |
Database | Feature | IDEA-66037 | Feature request: allow "generate classes from database schema" for plain-JDBC developers |
Bug | IDEA-179357 | Data Source corrupted: 'The string 'null-1..-1' is not a valid sequence specification' | |
Bug | IDEA-179756 | IntelliJ crashes system when generating a database diagram | |
Diff_Merge | Bug | IDEA-178618 | Command line diff between directories: can't show diff error for files |
Gradle | Bug | IDEA-171520 | Error on Refresh Gradle Project using Java 9 |
Bug | IDEA-178438 | application properties not set when starting Spring Boot service in IDEA | |
Groovy | Bug | IDEA-179578 | Groovy stub generation silently fails if some other builder requests rebuild |
Bug | IDEA-174890 | "GString is used as map's key" warning when using a null literal as a map key in Groovy | |
Bug | IDEA-171182 | Groovy implicit cast is not recognised | |
Exception | IDEA-178663 | AE at org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.impl.statements.expressions.GrTupleImpl.getParent(GrTupleImpl. java:53) | |
Exception | IDEA-178856 | IAE at org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.intentions.other.GrCopyStringConcatenationContentIntention$1.$$$reportN ull$$$0(GrCopyStringConcatenationContentIntention.java) | |
Indices | Bug | IDEA-180296 | NPE in MapReduceIndex.flush corrupts indices |
Java. Inspections | Feature | IDEA-176404 | Allow "Return of 'null'" to be ignored when return type is java.lang.Void |
Bug | IDEA-176402 | Simplify inspections give incorrect result | |
Bug | IDEA-166832 | Package naming convention inspection triggers on *complete* package names | |
Java. Intention Actions | Bug | IDEA-178828 | Missing parentheses in "Simplify 'if else'" result |
Tapestry | Bug | IDEA-181603 | New > Tapestry > Component / Page operation does nothing - fails with NPE in AddNewComponentDialog.getName() |
Task Management | Bug | IDEA-175378 | "Open Task" makes the whole IDE freeze when selecting a task too quickly |
Unit Testing. JUnit | Bug | IDEA-178888 | org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api:1.0.0 missing from junit plugin lib in 2017.2.4 IDEA release |
User Interface | Bug | IDEA-179056 | Confirm Exit, Do not ask me again - always appearing |
Bug | IDEA-176821 | "Hide file extensions in editor tabs" removes all after dot | |
Version Control. Git | Bug | IDEA-179546 | Revert commit: files to be deleted are not checked fro commit by default |
Data Import & Export | Bug | DBE-5140 | Import CSV as DOUBLE PRECISION results in 0.000000 |
Bug | DBE-5148 | Postgres restore option isn't working with non default credentials | |
Data Views | Bug | DBE-5032 | Export Options Disabled |
SQL Resolve | Bug | DBE-4886 | Autoscroll from Editor does not work for DDL opened in console |