发布于 2017-11-15 00:32:05 | 226 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SmartGit Git图形化客户端
SmartGit 是一个 Git 版本控制系统的图形化客户端程序。有MAC,Windows,Linux版
SmartGit 17.1.2 已发布,更新内容如下:
Abort: made more clear that aborting will perform 'git reset --hard' discarding all local changes
large company license handling:
added system property "smartgit.license.defaultPath" to change the location of default license file (instead of "<install-dir>/default/license")
if license file is expired, silently update license file from default license file location
bug 修复:
Background fetch: fetched even unregistered or inactive submodules
Commit: in merging state "Commit All Changes" for a modified, renamed file resulted in "pathspec did not match any files" error
Commit/Rebase Continue: did not abort in case of conflicts but committed them
Compare/Changes view: "as-is" files (.gitattributes: -text) were checked out with wrong line-endings
Git-Flow, Integrate: fixed in structions for system Git-Flow
Journal: under certain conditions 3 columns were used where 2 would have been sufficient
Refresh: possible internal error
Compare, Index Editor, ...:
Shift+Del did not cut any more (Windows, Linux)