发布于 2017-11-02 00:55:57 | 135 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Any23 web服务和命令行工具
Apache Anything To Triples (Any23) 是一个库、web服务和命令行工具用来从微格式、RDF、为数据、RDF/XML、Turtle、N-Tripes 和 Quards)中抽取结构化数据。
Apache Any23 2.1 发布。Apache Anything To Triples(any23)是一个库、Web 服务和命令行工具,它从各种 Web 文档中提取 RDF 格式的结构化数据。主页更新内容如下:
[ANY23-244] - Broken Links on Web-Site
[ANY23-282] - Replacement for all Sindice namespaces and URI's
[ANY23-304] - Add extractor for OpenIE
[ANY23-305] - Missing appender in command line tool
[ANY23-308] - Adding option "-d" to yaml file parsing gives error
[ANY23-310] - Rover displays wrong statistical values
[ANY23-257] - Support OWL as an input format
[ANY23-283] - access to analysis.apache.org