发布于 2017-10-25 00:24:04 | 188 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Node.js 服务器端的JavaScript

Node.js 是一个基于Chrome JavaScript 运行时建立的一个平台, 用来方便地搭建快速的 易于扩展的网络应用· Node.js 借助事件驱动, 非阻塞I/O 模型变得轻量和高效, 非常适合 运行在分布式设备 的 数据密集型 的实时应用

Node 同时更新了 3 个版本。

Node v8.8.0 (Current) 主要更新包括:

  • crypto:

    • expose ECDH class #8188

  • http2:

    • http2 is now exposed by defualt without the need for a flag #15685

    • a new environment varible NODE_NO_HTTP2 has been added to allow userland http2 to be required #15685

    • support has been added for generic Duplex streams #16269

  • module:

    • resolve and instantiate loader pipeline hooks have been added to the ESM lifecycle #15445

  • zlib:

    • CVE-2017-14919 - In zlib v1.2.9, a change was made that causes an error to be raised when a raw deflate stream is initialized with windowBits set to 8. On some versions this crashes Node and you cannot recover from it, while on some versions it throws an exception. Node.js will now gracefully set windowBits to 9 replicating the legacy behavior to avoid a DOS vector. nodejs-private/node-private#95

Node v6.11.5 (LTS) 和 Node v4.8.5 (Maintenance) 主要更新包括:


  • CVE-2017-14919 - In zlib v1.2.9, a change was made that causes an error to be raised when a raw deflate stream is initialized with windowBits set to 8. On some versions this crashes Node and you cannot recover from it, while on some versions it throws an exception. Node.js will now gracefully set windowBits to 9 replicating the legacy behavior to avoid a DOS vector. nodejs-private/node-private#95



历史版本 :
Node.js v8.9.4 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js v6.12.3 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js 9.3.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.2.1,v8.9.3, v4.8.7 发布
Node.js v6.12.2 “Boron”(LTS) 发布,修复漏洞
Node v8.9.2 和 v6.12.1 长期支持版发布
Node.js v9.2.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node v8.9.1 (LTS) 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.1.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.0.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node 8.8.0、6.11.5 和 4.8.5 发布,你在用哪版?
Node.js v8.7.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
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