发布于 2017-10-16 00:26:24 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
KeePass 密码管理工具
KeePass 2.37 主要更新是用户界面一体性的增强,以及各种其他小功能和改进。Hash sums 和 OpenPGP signatures 可用于完整性检查,二进制文件已经过数字签名(Authenticode)。
When creating a new database, KeePass now offers to print a KeePass emergency sheet (which can then be filled out and stored in a secure location, where only the user and possibly a few other people that the user trusts have access to); an emergency sheet can also be created via 'Tools' -> 'Database Tools' -> 'Print Emergency Sheet'.
Added database file information dialog that is displayed when creating a new database.
Added function to search similar password clusters ('Edit' -> 'Show Entries' -> 'Find Similar Passwords (Clusters)').
Improved dialog for changing the master key (key file and user account are now expert options, added more information and links to help page sections).
KeePass now directly offers to save the database after changing the master key, and it asks whether to print a new emergency sheet.
Various improvements in the translation selection dialog (the selected translation can now be activated by pressing Return, the list view now uses the Explorer style, ...).
下载地址:https://keepass.info/download.html 。