发布于 2017-10-15 23:50:28 | 138 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NHibernate .net数据持久层框架
NHibernate 是一个基于.Net 的针对关系型数据库的对象持久化类库。Nhibernate 来源于非常优秀的基于Java的Hibernate 关系型持久化工具。NHibernate 从数据库底层来持久化你的.Net 对象到关系型数据库。
NHibernate 是一个基于.Net 的针对关系型数据库的对象持久化类库。Nhibernate 来源于非常优秀的基于Java的Hibernate 关系型持久化工具。NHibernate 从数据库底层来持久化你的.Net 对象到关系型数据库。
NuGet 团队发布了一个新版本,即 .NET 框架命名的对象关系映射器NHibernate 5.0。 该团队通过博客通知,新版本已解决了大约141个问题。
IO bound methods have gained an async counterpart. Not intended for parallelism, make sure to await each call before further interacting with a session and its queries.
Strongly typed DML operation (insert/update/delete) are now available as Linq extensions on queryables.
Entities collections can be queried with .AsQueryable() Linq extension without being fully loaded.
Reference documentation has been curated and completed, notably with a Linq section. http://nhibernate.info/doc/nhibernate-reference/index.html
NHibernate now targets .Net 4.6.1.
Remotion.Linq and Antlr3 libraries are no more merged in the NHibernate library, and must be deployed along NHibernate library. (NuGet will reference them).
Classes and members which were flagged as obsolete in the NHibernate 4.x series have been dropped.
Prior to upgrading, fix any obsolete warning according to its message. See NH-4075 and NH-3684 for a list.”