发布于 2017-10-15 23:31:59 | 211 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redmine 项目管理软件
Redmine是用Ruby开发的基于web的项目管理软件,是用ROR框架开发的一套跨平台项目管理系统,据说是源于Basecamp的ror版而来,支持多种数据库,有不少自己独特的功能,例如提供wiki、新闻台等,还可以集成其他版本管理系统和BUG跟踪系统,例如Perforce、SVN、CVS、TD等等。这种 Web 形式的项目管理系统通过“项目(Project)”的形式把成员、任务(问题)、文档、讨论以及各种形式的资源组织在一起,大家参与更新任务、文档等内容来推动项目的进度,同时系统利用时间线索和各种动态的报表形式来自动给成员汇报项目进度。
Redmine 3.4.3, 3.3.5 and 3.2.8 已发布,Redmine 是一个开源的、基于 Web 的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理,提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
Defect #26564: Enumerations sorting does not work
Defect #26468: Using custom fields of type "File" leads to unsolvable error if filetype is not allowed
Defect #26627: Editing issues no longer sends notifications to previous assignee
Defect #26471: Issue Query: inconsistency between spent_hours sum and sum of shown spent_hours values
Defect #25702: Exporting wiki page with specific table to PDF causes 500
Patch #26492: % is not valid without a format specifier
Defect #26403: The second and subsequent lines of commit messages are not displayed in repository browser
Defect #26645: git 2.14 compatibility
Patch #26682: URL-escape the ! character in generated markup for dropped uploads
Defect #26520: Blank "Issue" field on the "Log time" from the "Spent time - Details" page for an issue
Defect #26667: Filtering time entries after issue's target version doesn't work as expected in some cases
Defect #26780: Translation for label_week in time report is not working