发布于 2017-10-10 00:31:59 | 229 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


TinyMCE 在线HTML编辑器


TinyMCE 4.7.0 已发布,该版本带来了全新的专为移动设备设计的新 UI,以及更具现代风格的默认皮肤,以及对一些菜单和编辑功能进行了修正。

TinyMCE 是一款 JavaScript 富文本编辑器,包含40多种强大的编辑功能。


  • Added new mobile ui that is specifically designed for mobile devices.

  • Updated the default skin to be more modern and white since white is preferred by most implementations.

  • Restructured the default menus to be more similar to common office suites like Google Docs.

  • Fixed so theme can be set to false on both inline and iframe editor modes.

  • Fixed bug where inline editor would add/remove the visualblocks css multiple times.

  • Fixed bug where selection wouldn't be properly restored when editor lost focus and commands where invoked.

  • Fixed bug where toc plugin would generate id:s for headers even though a toc wasn't inserted into the content.

  • Fixed bug where is wasn't possible to drag/drop contents within the editor if paste_data_images where set to true.

  • Fixed bug where getParam and close in WindowManager would get the first opened window instead of the last opened window.

  • Fixed bug where delete would delete between cells inside a table in Firefox.



历史版本 :
TinyMCE 4.7.5 发布,JavaScript 富文本编辑器
TinyMCE 4.7.0 发布,JavaScript 富文本编辑器
TinyMCE 4.5.1 发布,所见即所得 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.4.1 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.7 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.6 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.5 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.4 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2.2 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.2 发布,新增内置图像编辑工具
TinyMCE 4.1.8 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
TinyMCE 4.1.7 发布,可视化 HTML 编辑器
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