发布于 2017-10-04 21:51:25 | 230 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
pgweb 0.9.9 已发布,这是一个采用 Go 语言开发的基于 Web 的 PostgreSQL 管理系统,适用于 OSX、Linux 和 Windows 平台。
Automatically format JSON data exports
Update Docker image to alpine:3.6
Print out PostgreSQL server version on start in a single-session mode
Record last query timestamp for the client connection
Add context menu for table headers in browse mode (copy name, see unique values)
Add ability to export current database dump
Automatically open pgweb in browser on start if its already running
Connect to the database with credentials provided by a third-party backend
Automatically close idle sessions (no activity in 1 hour)
Allow connecting via SSH with a custom private key and other fixes
Add options to disable SSH connections