发布于 2017-10-04 00:17:57 | 84 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NixOS Linux 发行版
NixOS是独立开发的GNU/Linux发行,它旨在改进系统配置管理的现状。在NixOS中,整个操作系统,包括内核、应用程序、系统软件包、配置文 件,统统都由Nix包管理器来创建。Nix将所有软件包以彼此分离的方式进行存储,因此就不存在/bin、/sbin、/lib、/usr之类的目录;相 反,所有软件包都保存在/nix/store中。NixOS的其他创新特色包括可靠升级、回滚、可重现的系统配置、二进制代码基于源文件的管理模型、多用 户包管理。尽管NixOS是一份研究性项目,它是一份功能性的及可用的操作系统,能进行硬件检测,使用KDE作为缺省桌面,并采用systemd进行系统 服务管理。
NixOS 17.09 已发布,除了添加许多新的和已升级的软件包外,GNOME 已升级至 3.24,KDE Plasma 升级至 5.10, KDE Applications 升级至 17.08.1,KDE Frameworks 升级至 5.37。
The user handling now keeps track of deallocated UIDs/GIDs. When a user or group is revived, this allows it to be allocated the UID/GID it had before. A consequence is that UIDs and GIDs are no longer reused.
The module option services.xserver.xrandrHeads
now causes the first head specified in this list to be set as the primary head. Apart from that, it's now possible to also set additional options by using an attribute set, for example:
{ services.xserver.xrandrHeads = [ "HDMI-0" { output = "DVI-0"; primary = true; monitorConfig = '' Option "Rotate" "right" ''; } ]; }
This will set the DVI-0
output to be the primary head, even though HDMI-0
is the first head in the list.
The handling of SSL in the services.nginx
module has been cleaned up, renaming the misnamed enableSSL
to onlySSL
which reflects its original intention. This is not to be used with the already existing forceSSL
which creates a second non-SSL virtual host redirecting to the SSL virtual host. This by chance had worked earlier due to specific implementation details. In case you had specified both please remove the enableSSL
option to keep the previous behaviour.
Another addSSL
option has been introduced to configure both a non-SSL virtual host and an SSL virtual host with the same configuration.
Options to configure resolver
options and upstream
blocks have been introduced. See their information for further details.
The port
option has been replaced by a more generic listen
option which makes it possible to specify multiple addresses, ports and SSL configs dependant on the new SSL handling mentioned above.