发布于 2017-09-30 23:50:24 | 136 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MongooseJs mongodb 连接包
Mongoose 是基于nodejs,使用javascript编程,连接mongodb数据库的软件包,使mongodb的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对mongodb文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。
MongooseJS 4.11.14 已发布,MongooseJS 是使用 JavaScript 编程,连接 MongoDB 数据库的软件包,使 MongoDB 的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对 MongoDB 文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。
chore: add nsp check to the CI build #5679 hairyhenderson
fix: bump mquery because of security issue with debug package #5677 #5675 jonathanprl
fix(populate): automatically select() populated()-ed fields #5669
fix(connection): make force close work as expected #5664
fix(document): treat $elemMatch as inclusive projection #5661
docs(model/query): clarify which functions fire which middleware #5654
fix(model): make init()
public and return a promise that resolves when indexes are done building #5563