发布于 2017-09-28 00:30:13 | 147 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SparkyLinux Linux发行版
Sparky Linux 是一个轻量级、快速简单的 Linux 分发版,主要设计用于在老的计算机上运行,使用 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面环境。基于 Debian 构建。
SparkyLinux 5.1 发布了,代号 " Buster "。SparkyLinux 是轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并以定制的 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面为特色。它构建于 Debian GNU/Linux 的测试分支之上。
full system upgrade from Debian testing repos as of September 25, 2017
Linux kernel 4.12.13 as default (4.13.3-sparky is available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
gcc 6 removed from the live media; the default compiler is gcc 7
obmenu-generator updated up to version 0.80 (MinmalGUI edition), what speeded up launching the menu with svg icons
the default system installer Calamares updated up to version 3.1.4
added new tool for installing a web browser: Sparky Web Browser Installer
new desktop environment added to Sparky repos: Manokwari
live system’s memtest86+ issue has been fixed
source code repos moved to GitHub