发布于 2017-09-26 08:52:51 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Jetty 开源的servlet容器
Jetty 是一个开源的servlet容器,它为基于Java的web内容,例如JSP和servlet提供运行环境。Jetty是使用Java语言编写的,它的API以一组JAR包的形式发布。开发人员可以将Jetty容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的Java应用提供网络和web连接。
Jetty 9.3.21.v20170918 发布了,
487 JDK 9 build compatibility
1116 Support empty HTTP header values
1357 RolloverFileOutputStream: No rollout performed at midnight
1469 RolloverFileOutputStream: IllegalStateException Task already scheduled
1507 RolloverFileOutputStream: Negative delay Timer.schedule exception
1513 RolloverFileOutputStream: can't handle multiple instances
1515 Improved RollOverFileOutputStream removeOldFiles() behavior
1556 Remove a timing channel in Password matching
1590 Improve RolloverFileOutputStream functionality with multiple TimeZones
1655 Improve extensibility of ServerConnector
1661 AbstractProxyServlet onProxyResponseFailure Error
1664 IPAccessHandler CIDR IP range check is incorrect
1685 Update ALPN support for Java 8u141
1687 HTTP2: Correcting missing callback notification when channel not found
1702 Update ALPN support for Java 8u144
1703 Improve HttpInput failure logging
1719 HTTP/2: Improve handling of queued requests
1741 Java 9 javadoc failure in build
1749 Dump HttpDestination exchange queue
1750 PoolingHttpDestination creates ConnectionPool twice
1759 HTTP/2: producer can block in onReset
1790 HTTP/2: 100% CPU usage seen during close/shutdown of endpoint
475546 ClosedChannelException when connection to HTTPS over HTTP proxy