发布于 2017-09-23 23:47:29 | 128 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Endian Firewall 3.2.4 版本发布,
Bug CORE-1396 Jobsengine unresponsive logging "Too many open files"
Bug CORE-1521 Network interfaces change order
Bug CORE-1637 Missing error message in NetworkMultiIPS validator
Bug CORE-1706 Fix notifications functions update_patterndb
Bug CORE-1713 Missing old smartarray and perc driver
Bug CORE-1735 Change how DataSource handle missing path
Bug CORE-1763 Fix default endian daemons config path
Bug CORE-1779 Redis is using the wrong configuration file on 3.10 and 5.0 * Bug CORE-1834 Proxy HTTP button incorrectly displayed on some products
Bug CORE-1850 An invalid exit code in a Job action prevents successive Job execution