发布于 2017-09-23 00:27:17 | 136 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
FileZilla Client 文件传输工具
FileZilla Client 3.28.0-rc1 发布了,FileZilla 是一个快速、可信赖的 FTP 客户端以及服务器端的开放源代码程序,具有多种特色、直观的接口。更新内容如下:
Add "Close once" as queue completion action
Fixed crash if FileZilla is forced to close, e.g. when the system is shutting down, while there are open dialogs
If the transfer queue asks for a password and the password dialog is canceled the queue processing is now stopped
OS X, *nix: Improve detection of invalid character encodings in local filenames
Fix potential crash expanding directory tree items while changing selections