发布于 2017-09-22 23:24:02 | 153 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JMeter 压力测试工具
Apache JMeter 3.3 发布了。 JMeter是Apache组织的开放源代码项目,它是功能和性能测试的工具,100%的用java实现。该版本还不支持JAVA 9,但下个版本将会支持,你可以跟踪 Bug 61529来帮助和关注这个问题,部分更新内容如下:
HTTP Sampler now supports Brotli decompression.
CacheManager now completely supports Vary header.
InfluxDB BackendListener now supports sending results to InfluxDB through UDP protocol.
It has also been enhanced to send number of errors by response code and message for each transaction
TCP Sampler now computes latency, see Bug 60156
Upgraded dependencies to last available versions bringing performance improvements and bug fixes
Continued to improve the quality of our code and tests coverage. See Quality report