发布于 2017-09-14 23:56:42 | 250 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Git LFS Git 的大文件支持
Git LFS 是 Github 开发的一个 Git 的扩展,用于实现 Git 对大文件的支持。
Git LFS 2.1.0 发布了。
@aleb: added support for "standalone" transfer agents, for using rsync(1)
and similar with Git LFS.
@bozaro: added support for custom .git/lfs/objects
directories via the
configuration option.
@larsxschneider: fixed a recursive process leak when shelling out to Git,
added new features to git lfs ls-files
, extra information in error
messages used for debugging, documentation changes and more.
@mathstuf: contributed a documentation change clarifying LFS's handling of
empty pointer files.
@rudineirk and @andyneff: updated our release process to build packages for
@ssgelm: ensured that LFS is able to be released on Ubuntu Universe.