发布于 2017-09-08 23:49:23 | 163 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Solr 企业级全文搜索引擎
Solr是一个独立的企业级搜索应用服务器,它对外提供类似于Web-service的API接口。用户可以通过http请求,向搜索引擎服务器提交一定格式的XML文件,生成索引;也可以通过Http Get操作提出查找请求,并得到XML格式的返回结果;
Apache Solr 6.6.1 发布了。Apache Solr (读音: SOLer) 是一个开源的搜索服务器。Solr 使用 Java 语言开发,主要基于 HTTP 和 Apache Lucene 实现。
Standalone Solr loads UNLOADed core on request
ParallelStream should set the StreamContext when constructing SolrStreams
CloudSolrStream.toExpression incorrectly handles fq clauses
CoreContainer.load needs to send lazily loaded core descriptors to the proper list rather than send them all to the transient lists
Creating a core should write a core.properties file first and clean up on failure
Clean up a few details left over from pluggable transient core and untangling
Provide a way to know when Core Discovery is finished and when all async cores are done loading
CDCR bootstrapping can get into an infinite loop when a core is reloaded
SolrJmxReporter is broken on core reload. This resulted in some or most metrics not being reported via JMX after core reloads, depending on timing
Creating a core.properties fails if the parent of core.properties is a symlinked directory
StreamHandler should allow connections to be closed early
Certain admin UI pages would not load up correctly with kerberos enabled
Fix DOWNNODE -> queue-work znode explosion in ZooKeeper
Upgrade to Hadoop 2.7.4 to fix incompatibility with Java 9
Fix bin/solr.cmd so it can run properly on Java 9