发布于 2017-09-04 00:47:56 | 160 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
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AngularJS 前端JS框架
Angular 5.0.0-beta.6 和 4.4.0 的首个 RC 版已发布,Angular 5.0.0 beta.6 是 Angular 5 的第七个 beta 版本,正式版预计 9-10 月发布。
Angular 5.0.0-beta.6 部分更新内容:
Bug 修复
animations: do not leak DOM nodes/styling for host triggered animations (#18853) (fcadeb2), closes #18606
common: fix a duplicate case in the locale switch (#18941) (fdd5010)
common: fix improper packaging for @angular/common/http (#18613) (65e26d7)
common: fix XSSI prefix stripping by using JSON.parse always (#18466) (452a7ae), closes #18396 #18453
common: update closure-locale generation for tree shaking (#18938) (946e5bd)
common: use correct group separator for currency pipe (#18932) (4ec5e28)
common: use v4 plurals when importing DeprecatedI18NPipesModule
(#18955) (30d53a8)
compiler: always check summaries first before falling back to metadata from .d.ts files (#18788) (f83b819)
compiler: always emit ngfactories with reexports (#18788) (0262e37)
compiler: don’t emit stubs when we didn’t generate code for a file. (#18788) (506d2e9)
compiler: don’t reexport types in .ngfactory
files (#18788) (8c858d7)
http: deprecate @angular/http in favor of @angular/common/http (#18906) (72c7b6e)
common: accept object map for HttpClient headers & params (#18490) (1b1d5f1)
common: generate closure-locale.ts
to tree shake locale data (#18907) (4878936)
compiler: set enableLegacyTemplate
to false by default (#18756) (56238fe)
4.4.0-RC.0 更新内容:
Bug 修复
animations: do not leak DOM nodes/styling for host triggered animations (#18853) (1cc3fe2), closes #18606
common: fix improper packaging for @angular/common/http (#18613) (a203a95)
common: fix XSSI prefix stripping by using JSON.parse always (#18466) (8821723), closes #18396 #18453
core: complete EventEmitter in QueryList on component destroy (#18902) (7d137d7), closes #18741