发布于 2017-08-25 00:23:24 | 232 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Zabbix 分布式系统监视系统
Zabbix 3.4.1 rc1 发布了。Zabbix 是一个基于 Web 界面的提供分布式系统监视以及网络监视功能的企业级的开源解决方案。
这是一个 rc 版本。主要更新内容如下:
[ZBX-1357] updated Czech, English (United States), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
Bug 修复
[ZBX-12598] fixed an unneeded data sharing to map widget on navigation tree refresh
[ZBX-12549] fixed requeueing of items from unreachable poller to normal poller
[ZBX-12539] fixed sbox selection zone in monitoring web graphs
[ZBX-12581] fixed crash when syncing actions without operations
[ZBX-12531] removed usage of SVG viewBox attribute in IE and disabled map scaling in screens
[ZBXNEXT-3987] fixed wrong response and error message when invalid or unavailable dashboardid has been requested
[ZBX-12593] fixed overlay window displaying on different browsers and removed horizontal scrollbar from widget configuration dialogue
[ZBX-12430] fixed error when linking one template to another in template edit form
[ZBXNEXT-3920] fixed extra new lines in Templates
[ZBX-12588] fixed clock and map widget scaling on Safari
[ZBX-12574] fixed crash when linking templates with web scenarios during auto registration
[ZBX-12433] fixed XML import of web scenarios
[ZBX-12524] fixed DB upgrade patch for map shapes on DB2
[ZBXNEXT-3006] fixed multiple issues with dependent items
[ZBX-12439] fixed macro name field length in host configuration form