发布于 2017-08-18 00:24:39 | 190 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Puma Ruby的web服务器
Puma是一个为Ruby web程序提供高速处理以及HTTP 1.1并发的服务器小型库。它被设计只用来运行Rack程序。
Puma 3.9.0("Russell's Teapot") 发布了。
3 features:
12 bugfixes:
Not really a Puma bug, but @NickolasVashchenko created a gem to workaround a Ruby bug that some users of Puma may be experiencing. See README for more. (#1347)
Fix hangups with SSL and persistent connections. (#1334)
Fix Rails double-binding to a port (#1383)
Fix incorrect thread names (#1368)
Fix issues with /etc/hosts and JRuby where localhost addresses were not correct. (#1318)
Fix compatibility with RUBYOPT="--enable-frozen-string-literal" (#1376)
Fixed some compiler warnings (#1388)
We actually run the integration tests in CI now (#1390)
No longer shipping unnecessary directories in the gemfile (#1391)
If RUBYOPT is nil, we no longer blow up on restart. (#1385)
Correct response to SIGINT (#1377)
Proper exit code returned when we receive a TERM signal (#1337)
3 refactors:
1 known issue:
Socket activation doesn't work in JRuby. Their fault, not ours. (#1367)