发布于 2017-08-17 23:54:43 | 172 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
CakePHP PHP开源框架
CakePHP是一个运用了诸如ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller和MVC等著名设计模式的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的PHP开发人员快速地开发出健壮的Web应用,而 又不失灵活性。
CakePHP 3.4.13 发布了。CakePHP 是一个运用了诸如 ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller 和 MVC 等著名设计模式的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的 PHP 开发人员快速地开发出健壮的 Web 应用,而又不失灵活性。
bug 修复和新特性:
Empty MO files are no longer ignored by I18n message collections.
Missing Controller error messages were improved when routing parameters were not correctly inflected.
Improved compatibility with PHP7.2.
The hiddenField
option for radio buttons now works as documented.
Nested fields and multi-record forms using the ArrayContext are easier to define as default values and schema options fallback root level entities.
now returns $this
as documented.
Improved database URI parsing making it possible to use usernames/passwords with #
in them.