发布于 2017-08-16 07:54:46 | 114 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
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IDEA java开发集成环境
IDEA 全称IntelliJ IDEA,是java语言开发的集成环境,IntelliJ在业界被公认为最好的java开发工具之一,尤其在智能代码助手、代码自动提示、重构、J2EE支持、Ant、JUnit、CVS整合、代码审查、 创新的GUI设计等方面的功能可以说是超常的。
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.2 已发布,部分更新内容:
IDEA-176666 "Call Hierarchy" tab in find usage steals focus
IDEA-175921 access visibility inspection: fix global inspection in case of inner classes
IDEA-176666 "Call Hierarchy" tab in find usage steals focus Bug
IDEA-175921 access visibility inspection: fix global inspection in case of inner classes Bug
IDEA-174594 100% of one core CPU usage while idle when specific file open and in front Bug
IDEA-173669 IOException from get / put / append should set corrupted state for PersistentHashMap Bug
IDEA-177146 Orphaned threads running ChooseByNameBase$CalcElementsThread Bug
IDEA-176128 2017.2 Can't load project with character "|" in its name Cosmetics
IDEA-176383 Grammar error on renewal message