发布于 2017-08-07 23:17:40 | 92 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MongooseJs mongodb 连接包
Mongoose 是基于nodejs,使用javascript编程,连接mongodb数据库的软件包,使mongodb的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对mongodb文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。
MongooseJS 4.11.6 已发布,
更新内容(4.11.6 / 2017-08-07):
fix: limiting number of async operations per time in insertMany #5529 andresattler
fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.30 #5517
fix(browserDocument): prevent stack overflow caused by double-wrapping embedded doc save() in jest #5513
fix(document): clear single nested doc when setting to empty object #5506
fix(connection): emit reconnected and disconnected events correctly with useMongoClient #5498
fix(populate): ensure nested virtual populate gets set even if top-level property is null #5431