发布于 2017-08-07 09:51:50 | 68 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Firefox 浏览器
firefox 即 火狐浏览器 。Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”或“火狐浏览器”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(非ie内核),支持多种操作系统如Windows、Mac和linux。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与社区数百个志愿者以GPL/LGPL/MPL三种授权方式发布
随着 Mozilla FireFox 55 的到来,这款开源浏览器走入了一个全新的阶段,多线程的完善和正式引入让它的性能终于开始赶上,不过老旧的插件(如 Flash)让浏览器在多线程运行时问题百出,在 Firefox 55 及以后的版本中,Mozilla 将重点开始解决这些问题:比如,在 55 版本中,运行 Flash 控件将默认需要用户确认,并且不再允许从本地调用此类内容等。同时从 55 版本开始,Firefox 将开始支持 WebVR。
还有一个显而易见的更新是,搜索框和地址栏的关系变得更为紧密,您可以随时在地址栏中设定所输入关键词的搜索引擎并立即开始搜索。由此可见,在不久的将来,独立的地址栏很有可能会被取消掉,搜索就像 Chrome 一样容易。
与此同时,“同步”功能也有了较大的增强,同步菜单中引入了一个进入 Firefox 同步中心的入口,在这里可以管理多个设备的 Firefox 同步。
Browsing sessions with a high number of tabs are now restored in an instant
Sidebar (bookmarks, history, synced tabs) can now be moved to the right edge of the window
Fine-tune your browser performance from the Preferences/Options page.
Make screenshots of webpages, and save them locally or upload them to the cloud. This feature will undergo A/B testing and will not be visible for some users.
Added Belarusian (be) locale
Assign custom shortcuts to Firefox menu items on OS X and macOS via System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
Simplify print jobs from within print preview
Use virtual reality devices with the web with the introduction of WebVR
Search suggestions are now enabled by default for users who haven't explicitly opted-out
Search with any installed search engine directly from the location bar
Breaking profile changes - do not downgrade Firefox and use a profile that has been opened with Firefox 55+.
Windows stub installer is now streamlined for simpler installation. Users requiring advanced install options should use full installers.
The Flash plugin is now click-to-activate by default and only allowed on http:// and https:// URL schemes. This change will be rolled out progressively and so will not be visible to all users immediately. For more information see the Firefox plugin roadmap
Modernized application update UI to be less intrusive and more aligned with the rest of the browser. Only users who have not restarted their browser 8 days after downloading an update or users who opted out of automatic updates will see this change.
Insecure sites can no longer access the Geolocation APIs to get access to your physical location