发布于 2017-08-04 03:25:06 | 171 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Netty Java开源框架
Netty 4.1.14.Final 和 4.0.50.Final 发布了
The most important changes for 4.0.50.Final and 4.1.14.Final are:
Fix hash function and hash table size in Snappy (#7038)
Correctly run all pending tasks for EmbeddedChannel when the Channel is closed (#6897)
Allow to use oldest Channel out of the Simple / FixedChannelPool on acquire (#7018)
Correctly handle unsigned int values returned from TCP_INFO (#7011)
ByteBufs which are not resizable should not throw in ensureWritable(int, boolean) (#7004)
Automatically detect shaded packagePrefix (#6995)
Correct typo in artifactId of dependency in bom pom.xml (#6989)
AbstractByteBuf.ensureWritable(...) should check if buffer was released (#6978)
Record release when enable detailed leak detection (#6972)
OpenSslEngine protocol selection must be contiguous (#6964)
Revert "Revert "SslHandler avoid calling wrap/unwrap when unnecessary"" (#6806)
Also use realloc when shrink the buffer (#6943)
The most important changes for 4.1.14.Final only are:
Configures HTTP2 pipeline with more proper way (#6952)
Allow IP_TRANSPARENT to be set on redirecting socket (#7037)
Http2FrameLogger avoid hex dump of the ByteBufs when log disabled (#7026)
Http2ConnectionHandler: allow graceful shutdown to wait forever (#6954)
Writing to released ByteBuf (#6951)
Allowed Netty Epoll/Kqueue to work in IPv6 Only environments (#6994)
AbstractByteBuf.setCharSequence(...) must not expand buffer (#6957)
HTTP/2 enforce HTTP message flow (#6962)
Use the correct murmur3 C1 value (#6988)
SslHandler aggregation of plaintext data on write (#6720)
OpenSslEngine option to wrap/unwrap multiple packets per call (#6365)
For the details and all changes, please browse our issue tracker for 4.0.50.Final and 4.1.14.Final.