发布于 2017-08-02 00:19:11 | 386 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Django Python WEB开发框架
Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MVC的软件设计模式,即模型M,视图V和控制器C。它最初是被开发来用于管理劳伦斯出版集团旗下的一些以新闻内容为主的网站的,即是CMS(内容管理系统)软件。并于2005年7月在BSD许可证下发布。这套框架是以比利时的吉普赛爵士吉他手Django Reinhardt来命名的。
Django 是一个高级的 Python Web 框架,旨在快速开发和简单,实用的设计。
Django 1.11.4 已发布,该版本修复了 1.11.3 中的一些 bug ,具体如下:
Fixed a regression in 1.11.3 on Python 2 where non-ASCII ``format`` values for date/time widgets results in an empty ``value`` in the widget's HTML
Fixed ``QuerySet.union()`` and ``difference()`` when combining with a queryset raising ``EmptyResultSet``
Fixed a regression in pickling of ``LazyObject`` on Python 2 when the wrapped object doesn't have ``__reduce__()``.
Fixed crash in ``runserver``'s ``autoreload`` with Python 2 on Windows with non-``str`` environment variables.
Corrected ``Field.has_changed()`` to return ``False`` for disabled form fields: ``BooleanField``, ``MultipleChoiceField``, ``MultiValueField``, ``FileField``, ``ModelChoiceField``, and ``ModelMultipleChoiceField``.
Fixed ``QuerySet.count()`` for ``union()``, ``difference()``, and ``intersection()`` queries.
Fixed ``ClearableFileInput`` rendering as a subwidget of ``MultiWidget`` . Custom ``clearable_file_input.html`` widget templates will need to adapt for the fact that context values ``checkbox_name``, ``checkbox_id``, ``is_initial``, ``input_text``,``initial_text``, and ``clear_checkbox_label`` are now attributes of ``widget`` rather than appearing in the top-level context.
Fixed queryset crash when using a ``GenericRelation`` to a proxy model