发布于 2017-07-31 00:30:38 | 64 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MongooseJS 4.11.5 已发布,
docs: fix link to $lookup
fix: better parallelization for eachAsync
docs(document): copy docs for save from model to doc
fix(document): handle dotted virtuals in toJSON output
fix(populate): restore user-provided limit after mutating so cursor() works with populate limit
fix(query): don't throw StrictModeError if geo query with upsert
fix(populate): propagate readPreference from query to populate queries by default
docs: warn not to use arrow functions for statics and methods
fix(query): iterate over all condition keys for setDefaultsOnInsert
docs(connection): clarify server/replset/mongos option deprecation with useMongoClient