发布于 2017-07-27 23:57:27 | 172 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ionic HTML5 移动应用框架
ionic 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Ionic 3.6.0 已发布,
list: remove margin of MD buttons in ion-item-options (#12263) (97f9522)
nav: make call to setPages return the promise so if it rejects it doesn't get lost (de0f9d5)
navigation: account for race conditions in developer's code (4596dbe)
navigation: fix bug where that occurred when tab identifier and segment had the exact same string (add0c4e)
navigation: fix null pointer exceptions that would occur when destroying a nav controller while its transitioning (584afd0)
navigation: reduce urls to minimum set of fields (a8ceee4)
generators: refactor generators (400aa54)