发布于 2017-07-18 00:20:53 | 136 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Geode 分布式内存数据库
Geode 是一个开源的分布式内存数据库,用于构建水平伸缩的应用,基于 GemFire 开发。
Apache Geode 1.2.0 已发布,Apache Geode 是一个数据管理平台,提供实时的、一致的、贯穿整个云架构地访问数据关键型应用。 Geode 1.2.0 包含了许多改进和错误修复,此版本包括存储在 Geode 的数据的冗余内存中的 Apache Lucene 索引,以启用全文搜索。
此版本向前兼容之前的 v1.1 系列版本:
使用 v1.1.x 开发的应用程序与 v1.2.x 兼容
v1.1 客户端可以连接到 1.2 集群
支持从正在运行的 v1.1 集群滚动升级至 v1.2
Improve Lucene API and removed the @Experimental status. This capability provides full-text indexing of data stored in Geode backed by redundant, highly available in-memory storage.
Provide a PartitionResolver
implementation that allows colocating related data on compound keys without code deployment.
Resolve several data consistency issues affecting AsyncEventQueues.
Improve the Function API with appropriate generic type parameters.
Remove optional usage of the Attach API within gfsh.
Bundle geode examples along with the release distributions. The examples demonstrate simple scenarios for replicated regions, partitioned regions, and CacheLoader.
Provide option to invoke callbacks (such as CacheListeners) when importing a region snapshot file.
Improve resiliency of server during SSL handshake.
Resolve several issues with concurrent Locator startup.
Many improvements to hot deployment of Functions including optimized classpath scanning of jars.
Close over 300 tickets to add features, implement improvements and fix bugs.
Remove a number of API's that had been deprecated prior to the last major version (v1.0.0-incubating):
CacheEvent.isDistributed, CacheEvent.isExpiration
EntryEvent.isBridgeEvent, EntryEvent.isLoad, EntryEvent.isLocalLoad, EntryEvent.isNetLoad, EntryEvent.isNetSearch
Execution.execute (various overloads)
FunctionService.onMembers (various overloads)
Region.entries(boolean), Region.keys
Binaries [ ZIP, SHA-256, PGP ] - [TAR.GZ, SHA-256, PGP ]
Source [ ZIP, SHA-256, PGP ] - [TAR.GZ, SHA-256, PGP ]