发布于 2017-07-17 23:49:02 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Quill 富文本编辑器
Quill 是一个开源的富文本编辑器,基于可扩展的架构设计,提供丰富的 API 进行定制。
Quill 1.3.0 已发布,Quill 基于可扩展的架构设计,提供丰富的 API 进行定制。更新如下:
将 matchVisual
Use DOM API to determine selected <select>
option #1576
Add :focus
styles to toolbbar #1540
Allow users to undo automatic keyboard completions #1538
Use github-pages gem to make development environment consistent #1536 #1544
Fix composing Chinese with preformatting #1514
Fix example clipboard module in docs #1502
Fix list layout in RTL mode #1498
Clarify documentation for scrollingContainer #1496
Add tel
to default link whitelist #1436
Fix cursor interaction with custom contenteditable=false embeds #1172 #1181
Fix rendered cursor in Chrome when interacting with scrollbar #1114