发布于 2017-07-16 00:22:35 | 169 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Revel Go 语言 Web 框架
Revel是一个高生产力的 Go 语言 Web 框架 .其思路完全来自 Java 的 Play Framework。
Revel v0.17 和 v0.17.1 已发布,本次更新没有重大更改,详细如下:
Critical issue identified details here #1200
Added namespace to routes, controllers
Added go 1.6 to testing
Adds the ability to set the language by a url parameter. The route file will need to specify the parameter so that it will be picked up
Changed url validation logic to regex
Added new validation mehtods (IPAddr,MacAddr,Domain,URL,PureText)
no changes
no changes
Added Gorm module
Updated cron task manager
Added ability to run a specific job, reschedules job if cron is running.
Gorm module (Example)