发布于 2017-07-15 00:57:03 | 161 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PostgreSQL是以加州大学伯克利分校计算机系开发的 POSTGRES,现在已经更名为PostgreSQL,版本 4.2为基础的对象关系型数据库管理系统(ORDBMS)。
PostgreSQL 10 Beta 2 已发布,此版本包含 PostgreSQL 10 最终将提供的所有可用功能的预览,还包括对第一个 beta 版本中发现的许多问题的修复。
升级到 Beta2
从 PostgreSQL 10 beta1 进行升级
通过使用 pg_dump/pg_restore 或 pg_upgrade 从更早的版本进行升级
自 Beta 1 以来的变更
任何针对 9.6 或更早版本,且会影响 10 的错误修复程序都包含在 beta2 中。包括:
Fix memory leaks in new partitioning code
Don’t explicitly mark range partitioning columns as NOT NULL
Fix compilation with BSD authentication
Try next host after timeout in libpq with multiple hosts specified
Verify that the server constructed SCRAM none correctly
Fix table sync in logical replication for tables with columns in different order
Fix pg_dump:ing collations from pre-10 servers
Fix crash in BRIN index auto summarization
Generate pg_basebackup temporary slot name from backend pid, not client
Make ALTER SEQUENCE fully transactional
Allow COPY (query) TO to be parallelized
Fix ALTER SUBSCRIPTION grammar ambiguity
Don’t set application_name in logical replication workers
Allow query cancel of walsender backends
Prevent BEFORE triggers from violating partition constraints
Mark to_tsvector(regconfig, json[b]) functions as immutable
Apply RLS policies to partitioned tables
Add MSVC build system support for ICU and fix ICU support on Windows
Disallow set returning functions inside CASE or COALESCE
Teach PL/pgSQL about partitioned tables
Don’t downcase entries in shared_preload_libraries et al
Prevent table partitions from being turned into views
Fix memory leaks in in ICU encoding conversion
Fix import of system collations
Fix logical replication with replication identity full
Support tcp_keepalive_idle option on Solaris
Don’t require schema public to exist for pg_dump -c
Fix transition tables for partition/inheritance, writable CTEs and ON CONFLICT
Change pg_ctl -w to detect server-ready state by watching status in postmaster.pid
Forbid gen_random_uuid() when built with --disable-strong-random
Allow libpq to use multiple hostaddrs to go with multiple hostnames
Fix COPY handling of transition tables with indexes
On Windows, retry process creation in case shared memory reservation fails