发布于 2017-07-10 23:50:29 | 116 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OrientDB v2.2.23 发布了。更新内容如下:
Attempting to remove a non existing field from a class instead of throwing an OSchemaException exception like in 2.1 was dumping an entire stack trace to the logger as an ERROR. As a result in certain conditions logs were filled with unnecessary stack traces, and an ERROR event instead of a WARNING was produced. Now fixed - Internal Issue #8841
A NPE was fixed - Internal Issue #8835
A NPE during database upgrade was fixed - Issue #7512
Under rare conditions, when -1 was being sent as record version, uniqueness constraint was violated and duplicates in the database could occur. Now fixed - Issue #7518