发布于 2017-07-01 23:51:03 | 134 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RunDeck 服务器自动化操作
RunDeck 是用 Java/Grails 写的开源工具,帮助用户在数据中心或者云环境中自动化各种操作和流程。通过命令行或者web界面,用户可以对任意数量的服务器进行操作,大大降低了对服务器自动化的门槛。
Rundeck v2.8.3 已发布,
该版本主要是一些 bug 修复,此外还包括:
If a step has an Error Handler that is marked as "keepgoing on success", then Error level log output from the step is changed to Normal level
Executions that were running when the Rundeck server was shutdown will be set to "Incomplete" when the server restarts.
Some internal library versions were upgraded