发布于 2017-06-20 00:50:48 | 119 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Infinispan 开源的数据网格平台
Infinispan是JBoss Cache缓存框架的后续项目,它是一个开源的数据网格平台,用于访问分布式状态的群集节点。GridFileSystem(网格文件系统)是一个全新的实验性的API,这些API使Infinispan后端的网格数据像“文件系统”一样展示出来。
Infinispan 9.1.0.beta1 发布了。
[ISPN-7114] Consistency Checker, Conflict Resolution and Automatic merge policies
[ISPN-5218] Batching for CacheStores
[ISPN-7896] On-demand data conversion in caches
[ISPN-6676] HTTP/2 suport in the REST endpoint with TLS/ALPN upgrade
[ISPN-7841] Add stream operations that can operate upon data exclusively
[ISPN-7868] Add encryption and authentication support to the Remote Store
[ISPN-7772] Hot Rod Client create/remove cache operations
[ISPN-6994] Add an AdvancedCache.withSubject(Subject) method for explicit impersonation
[ISPN-7803] Functional commands-based AtomicMaps
The usual slew of bug fixes, clean ups and general improvements.