发布于 2017-05-15 03:51:08 | 207 次阅读 | 评论: 1 | 来源: 网友投递


Retrofit REST 客户端

retrofit 是一个类型安全的 REST 客户端,用于 Android 平台。

Retrofit 2.3.0 发布了,


  • Retrofit now uses @Nullable to annotate all possibly-null values. We've added a compile-time dependency on the JSR 305 annotations. This is a provided dependency and does not need to be included in your build configuration, .jar file, or .apk. We use @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault and all parameters and return types are never null unless explicitly annotated @Nullable.

    Warning: this release is source-incompatible for Kotlin users. Nullability was previously ambiguous and lenient but now the compiler will enforce strict null checks.

  • New: Converters added for Java 8's and Guava's Optional which wrap a potentially-nullable response body. These converters still rely on normal serialization library converters for parsing the response bytes into an object.

  • New: String converters that return null for an @Query or @Field parameter are now skipped.

  • New: The mock module's NetworkBehavior now throws a custom subclass of IOException to more clearly indicate the exception's source.

  • RxJava 1.x converter updated to 1.3.0 which stabilizes the use of Completable.

  • Fix: Add explicit handling for OnCompleteFailedExceptionOnErrorFailedException, andOnErrorNotImplementedException for RxJava 1.x to ensure they're correct delivered to the plugins/hooks for handling.

  • Fix: NoSuchElementException thrown when unsubscribing from an RxJava 1.x Single.


历史版本 :
Retrofit 2.3.0 发布,Android 的 REST 客户端
Retrofit 2.1.0 发布,Android 的 REST 客户端
Retrofit 2.0.2 发布,Android 的 REST 客户端
Retrofit 2.0.1 发布,Android 的 REST 客户端
Retrofit 2.0.0 正式发布,Android 的 REST 客户端
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Dfzwgxe 发布于2020-03-26 16:56:12
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