发布于 2017-05-12 00:55:34 | 128 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GNOME Linux桌面
GNOME 是一个完全由自由软件组成的桌面环境 , 可以运行在包括 GNU/Linux、Solaris、大多数 BSD 系统上,由志愿者组成的 GNOME Project 开发,是 GNU 工程的一部分。
GNOME 3.24.2 发布了。
GNOME 3.24桌面环境于2017年3月22日推出,它已于4月12日发布了GNOME 3.24.1,现在几个月后,GNOME 3.24.2也正式推出。GNOME Stack的许多核心组件和应用程序的价值改进和bug修复。建议所有运行GNOME 3.24的发行版都升级。该版本主要更新如下:
bug 修复:
Bug 781404 - Disable inline audio play in message preview (Milan Crha)
Bug 781557 - Inserting/removing rows/columns in tables don't work (Milan Crha)
Bug 781570 - Replace Unicode NBSP to ASCII space in text/plain before send (Milan Crha)
Bug 781660 - Component editor marked changed after open (Milan Crha)
Bug 781647 - Hide evolution-alarm-notify in Startup Applications (Jeremy Bicha)
Bug 781722 - Switching citation in Reply to "Preformatted" duplicates citation marks (Tomas Popela)
Bug 781833 - Do not set '-Wl,--no-undefined' on BSD (Antoine Jacoutot)
Bug 781890 - Signature editor doesn't set correct format (Milan Crha)
Bug 781116 - Wrap Lines in citation breaks citation (Tomas Popela)
Bug 778423 - Deleting quoted content from GMail could leave empty blocks (Tomas Popela)
Bug 780088 - Pasted URL not recognized/rendered as such; renders all remaining email text as link after pressing Enter (Tomas Popela)
Bug 569684 - Click-mark message read/unread stops mark-seen timer (Milan Crha)
Bug 782153 - Missing name when replying to sender with quotes (Milan Crha)
Crash under e_meeting_time_selector_refresh_cb() (Milan Crha)
Drag and drop to the editor can lock the Evolution (Tomas Popela)
Dropping text/* content to the editor is not handled by WebKit (Tomas Popela)
Fix the compilation warning with gcc 7 (Tomas Popela)
[ENameSelectorEntry] Avoid fake "changed" signals on focus-in (Milan Crha)
Calendar Print skips print dialog (Milan Crha)
Show VERSION_SUBSTRING and VERSION_COMMENT in Help->About (Milan Crha)
Fix occasional runtime warning from e_web_extension_set_clipboard_flags() (Milan Crha)
Mark editor as changed if using 'Wrap lines' action (Tomas Popela)
Mark editor as changed if deleting a selection (Tomas Popela)
MailFolderCache can sometimes block folder 'changed' notifications (Milan Crha)
Correct possible ref/unref imbalance of a CamelFolder instance (Milan Crha)
完整更新内容请查看 APPS NEWS。