发布于 2017-05-11 00:50:26 | 128 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ionic HTML5 移动应用框架
ionic 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Ionic 3.2.0 发布了,本次更新内容如下:
button: display box shadow correctly for Chrome (cbe0b42)
datetime: Fix floating label with empty ion-datetime (#11552) (5a895bb), closes #11547
label: add the $label-ios-text-color sass variables back (588fad8), closes #11373
module-loader: null references (2afc5cf)
navcontrollerbase: popToRoot should not remove root view (646d736)
select: firing events properly in popover interface (59dd853)
tap-click: updates setupTapClick signature (df8d1cc)
view-controller: _dismissRole is a string (6d11499)
virtual-list: virtualTrackBy reference (de19dbe)
virtual-scroll: remove duplicate items (f893aa6)
VirtualScroll: initialise differ with trackByFn (#11492) (299a68b)
item: deprecate item-left / item-right attributes for item-start / item-end (#11125) (26c653e)
select: close select programatically (a04b577)
virtual-list: relaxed restrictions for fast path (88e5642)
virtual-scroll: fast path for removing (8baa647)