发布于 2017-04-10 08:00:49 | 282 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Maven 项目构建工具
Maven是一个项目管理工具,它包含了一个项目对象模型 (Project Object Model),一组标准集合,一个项目生命周期(Project Lifecycle),一个依赖管理系统(Dependency Management System),和用来运行定义在生命周期阶段(phase)中插件(plugin)目标(goal)的逻辑。当你使用Maven的时候,你用一个明确定义的项目对象模型来描述你的项目,然后Maven可以应用横切的逻辑,这些逻辑来自一组共享的(或者自定义的)插件。
Apache Maven团队 宣布Maven 3.5.0 发布。该核心版本与插件无关,我们将分开进一步发布插件。
在Maven 3.3.9发布之后,Eclipse Aether 项目已经停用,代码库被迁移到Apache Maven项目。3.4.0版本的原始目标是在迁移到Apache Maven项目之后,使用完全相同的代码替换Aether,然后对解析器代码以及Maven的其他部分进行错误修复。但是代码在两个基础之间的迁移花费的时间比预期的长,因此,对于3.0版本的意图范围超出了Maven核心的其他变化。为了重新考虑3.4.0的原始意图,决定将Maven核心历史版本恢复到3.3.9版本,并且一次合并一个所需的更改。因此本次更新并非3.4.0.
The most obvious change you may encounter is that the console output has colors now MNG-3507, MNG-6093.
The new project.directory special property adds support in every calculated URLs (project, SCM, site) for module directory name that does not match artifactId MNG-5878
The JAVA_HOME discovery has been reduced to simply check if JAVA_HOME is set or not then trying to discover via which java, nothing more MNG-6003.
The build bootstrapping support via Apache Ant has been removed. You can now only bootstrap Maven build with a previous version of Maven, but not with Ant any more MNG-5904.
Based on problems in using M2_HOME related to different Maven versions installed and to simplify things, the usage of M2_HOME has been removed and is not supported any more MNG-5823, MNG-5836, MNG-5607.
Important change for windows users: The usage of %HOME% has been replaced with %USERPROFILE% MNG-6001
Several issues have been reported and fixed related to the mvn script either for Unix/Linux/Cygwin/Solaris or for Windows MNG-5815, MNG-5852, MNG-5963, MNG-6022.
In Maven 3.3.9, we have removed bindings for maven-ejb3-plugin because it does not exist. We follow-up and removed the artifact handler for ejb3 and the parlifecycles MNG-6014, MNG-6017.