发布于 2017-04-08 23:48:57 | 98 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Twill 分布式应用开发框架
Apache Twill 是一个 Apache Hadoop YARN 的抽象层,减少了开发分布式应用程序的复杂度,允许开发者把精力放在应用逻辑上。Apache Twill 可以让你向使用线程一样来使用 YARN 的分布式编程模型。
TWILL-122 Allow disabling the log transport
TWILL-179 Provides more flexibility in controlling the container classpath and classloader
TWILL-189 SecureStoreUpdater should support updating secure store as other users
TWILL-225 Allow using different configurations per application submission
TWILL-90 Add supports for setting resource capability for the AM
TWILL-119 Updates to work on a secure cluster with HA ResourceManager
TWILL-176 Set ResourceManager tracking URL to resources path.
TWILL-180 TwillController.onTerminated() should pass the exit status of the app to the callback
TWILL-207 Better have the cache name purely based on class hash to encourage greater reuse.
TWILL-220 ResourceReportClient should not error log